IL-‘QATTIEL SIEKET’ TAL-ALBINI AFRIKANI Fanileti Nangwale, minn Chikwawa, fi-Reġjun tan-Nofsinhar fil-Malawi, hija omm albina ta’ ħamest itfal. Xi snin ilu, hija sfat maħruqa ħajja minn xi nies li jemmnu li l-albini huma…

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‘Adopt a Grandparent’ reflects Pope Francis’ ‘alliance’ between the old and the young

In an interview last month with Fr. Antonio Spadaro, it was highlighted Pope Francis’s intent on creating an encounter for dialogue between the elderly and the young. This was inspired from Pope Francis many homilies and speeches where he quoted Joel (3:1) “Your elders will have dreams, your young men will have visions”[1].

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