Missio Malta dazzles guests at first edition of Seasons

Missio Malta, held the first edition of Seasons, a gala evening spectacular which celebrated the four seasons of the year, on Friday 21st June at Piazza D’Armi in Fort St Elmo, Valletta. The event was attended by volunteers, benefactors and friends of Missio Malta, in a sign of recognition of their support, and solidarity.

Addressing those present, Fr Victor Agius, National Director at Missio Malta, expressed his gratitude for the hard work carried out by all those who held Missio Malta’s mission to heart. “Missio has a dream, that of creating a just and equitable world, where everyone has equal opportunity to succeed. That is why Missio Malta carries out projects to sustain communities in developing countries and help them stand on their own two feet,” Fr Victor Agius said. “We are determined to continue working in this sense, using our creativity and energy, to create communities that are sustainable and can help others in need.”

Robert Farrugia, Head of Communications and Fund Raising noted how in the past years, Missio Malta had endeavoured to improve the way it communicated its messages, in order to reach a wider audience, using innovative channels and new media. “Our common denominator remains Missio’s message of hope,” Robert Farrugia noted. “We are heartened that we always find our benefactors ready to help us whenever we dream up a project that would make a difference in the communities we help, such as a school or clinic, or community centre. We are eternally grateful for your support, in the knowledge that we wouldn’t be able to obtain a fraction of the results we do, without it,” he told benefactors and volunteers present.

Opening the night, Angie Laus who led the evening, reflected on the theme of the event, Seasons, which provided punctuation and rhythm to the year. “The passage of time is a graceful dance that reunites us with the seasons like old friends, some of whom we rejoice to meet again, others perhaps a little less because of our personal preferences,” the presenter said. The rest of the evening proceeded with a repertoire of songs by the Malta Police Force Band, which was inspired by the four seasons. The upbeat renditions included Seasons of Love from the musical Rent, Here comes the Sun by the Beatles and Vianne Sets Up Shop from the movie Chocolat.

The gastronomic journey, crafted by Neriku Caterers, together with the choreography by Art Haus, took guests through summer, autumn, winter, and spring in an immersive most memorable experience. Delicata Winery, Nexos Lighting, and Sign It, also lent their support for the successful evening. The event was supported by AASK Ltd, a long-time supporter of Missio Malta, who are celebrating their 20th anniversary. In fact, to commemorate the momentous occasion, the company decided to be the main sponsor of the event. Works of art from Tanzania and Uganda were also on display and for sale, on the night.

Missio Malta tiċċelebra l-ħajja fl-ewwel edizzjoni ta’ Seasons

Missio Malta organizzat l-ewwel edizzjoni ta’ Seasons, serata gala spettakolari li ċċelebrat l-erba’ staġuni tas-sena, nhar il-Ġimgħa 21 ta’ Ġunju fi Piazza D’Armi fil-Forti Sant’Iermu, il-Belt Valletta. Għall avveniment attendew voluntiera, benefatturi u ħbieb ta’ Missio Malta, bħala sinjal ta’ rikonoxximent għas-sostenn u s-solidarjetà tagħhom.

Waqt li kien qed jindirizza lil dawk preżenti, Fr Victor Agius, Direttur Nazzjonali ta’ Missio Malta, esprima l-gratitudni tiegħu għax-xogħol li sar minn dawk kollha li kellhom il-ħidma ta’ Missio Malta għal qalbhom. “Missio għandha ħolma, dik li toħloq dinja ġusta u ekwa, fejn kulħadd ikollu opportunità ndaqs biex jirnexxi. Għalhekk Missio Malta twettaq proġetti biex issostni komunitajiet f’pajjiżi li qed jiżviluppaw u tgħinhom jibqgħu fuq saqajhom,” qal Fr Victor Agius. “Aħna determinati li nkomplu naħdmu f’dan issens, nużaw il-kreattività u l-enerġija tagħna, biex noħolqu komunitajiet sostenibbli li jistgħu jgħinu lil oħrajn fil-bżonn.”

Robert Farrugia, Kap tal-Komunikazzjoni u Ġbir ta’ Fondi nnota kif fis-snin li għaddew, Missio Malta ħadmet biex ittejjeb il-mod kif tikkomunika l-messaġġi tagħha, sabiex tilħaq udjenza usa’, billi tuża kanali innovattivi u midja ġodda. “L-għan ewlieni tagħna jibqa’ l-messaġġ ta’ tama ta’ Missio,” qal Robert Farrugia. “Aħna sodisfatti li dejjem insibu lill-benefatturi tagħna lesti li jgħinuna kull meta noħolmu proġett li jagħmel differenza filkomunitajiet li ngħinu, bħal xi skola jew klinika, jew ċentru tal-komunità. Aħna eternament grati lejn lappoġġ tagħkom, fl-għarfien li mingħajru ma nkunux nistgħu niksbu biss parti tar riżultati li niksbu,” qal lill-benefatturi u l-voluntiera preżenti.

Fil-ftuħ ta’ Seasons, Angie Laus li mexxiet is-serata, irriflettiet fuq it-tema tal-avveniment, l-istaġuni li jipprovdu r-ritmu għas-sena. “Il-passaġġ taż-żmien huwa żifna grazzjuża li tlaqqana mal-istaġuni bħallikieku ħbieb antiki, uħud minnhom nithennew li niltaqgħu magħhom mill-ġdid, oħrajn forsi ftit inqas minħabba l-preferenzi personali tagħna,” qalet il-preżentatriċi. Il-kumplament tas-serata kompliet b’repertorju ta’ kanzunetti mill-Banda tal-Korp tal-Pulizija ta’ Malta, li kien ispirat mill-erba’ staġuni. Ilprestazzjonijiet inkludew Seasons of Love mill-musical Rent, Here comes the Sun tal-Beatles, u Vianne Sets Up Shop mill-film Chocolat.

Il-vjaġġ gastronomiku, imħejji minn Neriku Caterers, flimkien mal-koreografija ta’ Art Haus, irrannkuntaw is-sajf, il-ħarifa, ix-xitwa, u r-rebbiegħa, f’esperjenza immersiva u memorabbli. Delicata Winery, Nexos Lighting, u Sign It, ukoll taw l-appoġġ tagħhom għal-lejla ta’ suċċess. L-avveniment kien appoġġjat minn AASK Ltd, sostenitur ta’ Missio Malta, li qed jiċċelebraw l-20 anniversarju tagħhom. Fil-fatt, biex ifakkru l-okkażjoni importanti, il-kumpanija ddeċidiet li tkun lisponsor ewlieni tal-avveniment. Xogħlijiet ta’ arti mit-Tanżanija u l-Uganda kienu wkoll esebiti u għallbejgħ, waqt is-serata.

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