MissioTfal: Empowering Children to be Missionaries of Change MissioTfal represents the Pontifical Holy Childhood, a key part of the Pontifical Mission Society led by Pope Francis. This initiative believes that children can be significant agents of change in their communities through missionary work. The main idea behind MissioTfal is that children not only learn about…
Tarbija tat-twelid bla omm Naħseb li lkoll taqblu miegħi x’ferħ iġġib tarbija ġdida fil-familja, b’mod speċjali lill-ġenituri tagħha. Iżda kemm kieku nsewdu qalbna jekk dik il-povra tarbija li għadha kemm fetħet għajnejha għall-ewwel darba titlef proprju lil ommha! B’xorti ħażina din hija realtà li jħabbtu wiċċhom magħha pajjiżi tat-Tielet Dinja. Permezz tad-donazzjoni li qed tagħtu…
Everyone is invited to the great feast! Missio launches a promotional video on occasion of World Mission Day. The theme of World Mission Day 2024, which will take place on Sunday, October 20, centres around the great feast that Jesus has prepared, and to which everyone is invited. On this occasion, Missio has prepared a…
MISSIO FL-AZZJONI – FILIPPINI 2023 Dun Victor Agius Mill-ewwel sal-ħmistax ta’ Frar, jiena flimkien ma’ ħdax oħra morna nagħmlu esperjenza missjunarja fil-Filippini. Bħal oħrajn li bħalna marru u ġew lura mibdulin għax raw il-faqar u tant tbatijiet fost in-nies li żaru, aħna wkoll rajna dan u ħassejna qalbna tingħafas u staqsejna: “Għaliex tant tbatija? X’nistgħu…
Diocese of Hyderabad opens its first Minor Seminary In May 2021, the diocese of Hyderabad in Southern Pakistan, started building the first minor Seminary of St Bonaventure with the help of Pontifical Mission Societies ‘Missio in Austria’, other partners and efforts from the community. The construction work was financed and completed and the Rector of the new seminary,…
“That it is good to see brothers united ..United doesn’t mean identical. Each one has his values, his riches and also his shortcomings,” Pope Francis said