Assemblies / Animations
Missio Tfal is also invited to take part in the school assemblies. This is usually done with Missio Mascot Rafiki who also gives his missionary experience.
At schools we promote the World Missionary Day celebration which is a worldwide celebration held in October of each year. During the missionary day, a project is chosen and an effort is done also in schools to educate the
At schools we promote the Mission Sunday collection that we prepare especially for schools. We explain the cause for this collection in aid for a particular project for children in a particular missionary country.
Cultural Sessions
One of the aims of Missio Tfal is to educate children about the world we are living in through cultural sessions in schools. Through the sessions the children learn about the geography, traditions, way of life and learn to understand and empathise with the suffering of the children in the vulnerable areas.
The sessions include crafts activities related to the culture and tradition of the country in question. Since these sessions are a way of connecting children from different nationalities in Malta, thus creating a common school activity uniting the various multicultures present today in Maltese schools with the common purpose of helping children in poor countries.
Misso Tfal Cultural Activities
God in Science
Faith and science have a lot in common. Students question both, test both, and are fascinated by both. In the process of learning about science, children make their own discoveries and faith is explained through these discoveries and in this way, it somehow becomes more tangible.
Science is God-inspired, and it’s a lot of fun. It captures children’s natural curiosity and helps them discover fascinating scientific facts — while at the same time growing their understanding of biblical truths, faith and our amazing God.
Last year Missio Tfal took part in Science in the City in Valletta where a number of science experiments were organised for the children together with their parents to watch and try them out. Apart from the scientific background of each experiment, Missio representatives explained how God works in our lives. These scientific experiments are also included in school in physics and science lessons.