MISSIO makes a difference in the lives of people and communities in need by giving them aid so that they can have viable development. Our work is worldwide and mainly focused in the areas where it is needed the most like remote villages and under developed countries.
Sister Maria Goretti, together with her fellow sisters and a group of volunteers, runs the Saint Luke Centre, a hospital for mothers and their children in Uganda, which thanks to the donations from the Maltese, Gozitans and Australians, Missio Malta and Missio Australia have built in recent years.
Bring hope to families in need! The building of a Hospital in Komolo, Tanzania will bring hope and making a lasting change for families in need. Missio Malta would like to support this hospital to take care for the thousands of patients in Komolo.
“Dinja Mutur” is an exciting project which Missio has embarked on in collaboration with Stephen Formosa, a biker who shall be riding his motorbike across Africa, Asia and South America in a solo trip adventure.
Through Child sponsorship programme you will be giving dignity, hope and a brighter future to orphans and children in need in Asia and Africa. Through education, children are empowered to support their own communities in a sustainable way for the future.
Click here to see calendar of all events
At the moment, there are no upcoming events to announce. However, please do check back later as we continuously update our calendar with exciting and informative events that you won’t want to miss.
Stay tuned for future announcements!
With a gift for everyone at every budget, Embrace & Celebrate
is a campaign where you can raise funds together with your friends
any time of year, especially birthdays, anniversary, baptism or any
other special milestones!
“We must be global Christians with a global vision because our God is a global God.”(John R.W. Stott)
The blog will showcase missionary stories and thoughts.
Look inside, Get inspired to Love and to “shout the Gospel with our life” (Charles de Foucauld)
The donations that we gather all go towards
covering the costs of various projects & initiatives
that missions undertake.