Our Style of Action
At Missio we like to take Jesus as our model for acting. When we read the Gospels we notice how Jesus used to move around among people. There was something special about him that was as powerful as his own words and miracles. Jesus was like an immigrant who brought with him a new culture that the majority of the people loved and few others rejected. This new way of life was basically reflected in his way of relating with individuals and people as a whole.
The source of this way of life is the way he, from eternity lived in the Trinity. Among the three persons in the Trinity the life that unites them in one is the third person the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit exists because of the love that the Father has for the Son. But the Father cannot exist without the Son. He needs the Son otherwise how can he be love. He loves the Son by giving him everything and so he cannot but make him equal to him. And the Son cannot exist without the Father because he cannot but empty himself completely to be only the Father whom he loves. Their love for each other is so perfect that it cannot be seen or exist only in one of the two. It has to exist in the two and so generate the third person, the Holy Spirit. The three of them are distinct but are interdependent in their perfection and oneness.
This love of God cannot be closed in itself, otherwise it will die. It is eternal because it goes out of itself and creates for eternity. We are part of it and our missionary work is nothing but becoming channels of this flow of love and life to others.
For this reason we go and meet people who are different from us and with them we create a life where reciprocally we at times play the part of the Father and at times the part of the Son. And the Holy Spirit is seen in the life, progress, dignity and growth of human development.
Experiencing this the missionary understands better the words of Jesus: “For where two or more are united in my name there am I in their midst.” “I will always be with you until the end of times.” I now understand what Jesus meant when he said: “Go in the whole word and baptize them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” Baptize them means let them die to their old way of life and live the new life of the Trinity.