Missio Barbeque Tas-Sajf

Every year Missio organises a BBQ in Summer in aid of missionary countries. In 2019 the event was held in July at Hastings Gardens, Valletta. Entertainment was in the form of singing and music and the main entertainers were Frankie Kukku’, Joe Demicoli and Ġorġ tad-doughnuts. Included in the programme were the main participants of...

Extraordinary Missionary Sunday 2019

Pope Francis has declared October 2019 to be an Extraordinary Month of Mission (EMM2019), being 100 years anniversary since Pope Benedict XV’s Apostolic Letter Maximum Illud. This Apostolical letter highlighted the oneness of humanity, a message well timed and needed for humanity, since it was written in the midst of WW1 and in a time...

Sample Upcoming Event

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Mission Sunday 2020

SARAH’S STORY When Sarah was four years old, she was wrongly implicated in the deaths of fifteen local people. Due to her speech impediment, some in the community believed the little girl to be a "spirit child", in accordance with local customs associating disability with evil spirits. Many of those community members, including Sarah’s own...