Missio Malta provides opportunities for volunteers to make an experience of immersion in the faith, culture and daily life of communities in poor countries. In the past, Missio Malta, provided such experiences in Malawi, Zambia, Tanzania, Ethiopia, Philippines, India, Cambodia, Peru and others.
The groups are usually made up of around 10 persons making it possible for them to interact among themselves in mutual love, thus experiencing the presence of Jesus among them and be able to accept and love the local communities they visit with a Christian love.
Last year Fr. Victor Agius, a member of the Missio group in Malta, who spent forty years as Missionary in the Philippines, China and other Asian countries, was leading a group of young adults for a missionary experience in India in the regions of Trichy and in Coimbatore in the province of Tamil Nadu. They had sessions of formation in spirituality, prayer and in particular in acquiring the ability to relate with each other as a group. They had a fundraising activity in the form of interactive treasure hunt with iPads and the money raised was later sent to the Shanti Ashram, a Hindu movement in Coimbatore to support a poverty alleviation six month project for families and children during the Covid-19.
Values we cherish for Immersion Missionary Experiences abroad:
We are open to help communities or individuals of any religion, tribe, caste or creed. Missio is affiliated to the international network of PMS (Pontificate Missionary Society) and we part from the command of Jesus to bring the Gospel values to the whole world.
We go to serve poor communities and our attitude of service will bring us to respect and put in evidence the beauty of these people’s culture. In respecting their culture we uplift their dignity as human beings making them feel that they are our brothers and sisters with the same and equal human dignity.
We bring the values of the Gospel not so much by words but by a life of service, and therefore with an ability to listen to the others, emptying your minds and thoughts to accommodate the others and feel what they feel and are passing through; and with them see how to improve their lives.

We need ongoing formation in a spirituality based on the Gospel and, in total unity with the pope, open to what the Holy Spirit is asking from us today. We have monthly meetings of formation during which the group members get acquainted with each other and in a spirit of mutual love, share with each other experiences on how we have put into practice what we have learned from the previous formation meetings.