Help equip Kapilikabefu Community School with Furniture

The location and its challenges 

Kapilikabefu community, located about 59km South-west of Lumezi Parish in Zambia, is predominantly a farming community and depends on rain fed crops for their survival. A lot of children in the Kapilikabefu community have never been to school and due to the lack of education, they ended up in child labour such as charcoal burning and cultivating farm lands in order to earn some income for their families. To address this issue, the community primary school started in 2003 with a total enrolment of 468 pupils by December 2019. 

How we can help

Kapilikabefu Community helped themselves by constructing the school. The community would like to upgrade the facilities by having proper school furniture.

Planned ActivitiesProcure 160 desks and their transportation
Finance: Total Project:€4,133.54
Funding Required:€3,828.13
Local Contribution:€305.41

Expected Results

Improved academic and writing performance

Reduction in Child labour since school will offer safe environment to engage in school activities

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