Bring hope to families in Ethiopia through a Goat Farm

A girl from the community of Emdibir, Ethiopia

In a community of Emdibir where food is scarce, most soil is eroded and where opportunities for skills training and employment are scarce, Fr Habte, responsible for the community and the Church are coming alongside their community to make a positive change. 

Neela*, the women in the photo below, worries deeply for her children, especially baby Ajani* since she starts each day unsure of how she will provide for her family, a reality that, alarmingly, is not hers alone. 

Neela and her son Ajani (names have been altered to protect identity)

With over 70% of households in Emdibir facing similar challenges, Fr Habte and the Church came up with the idea of a goat reading centre an expansion to the current Deberety Farm in order

  • to provide nutritious milk to families to deal with health problems caused by malnutrition
  • to provide opportunities for training in agricultural and employment opportunities that will allow families to provide for themselves. 

Learn more about the community, the Church and Fr Habte’s continued vision for the Goat Rearing Centre in the video below.

Establishing the Goat Rearing Centre means that Neela can access much needed support for her family, and that health problems like malnutrition are less likely to impact young children and babies like Ajani.

However, this project is only possible with the partnership and support of people like you.

By partnering with this program, you are being a witness of Jesus Christ, as He has called us to be in Acts 1:8, which is also the World Mission Sunday message of 2022 held worldwide on the 23rd October :

Being witnesses means being and acting as Jesus did. It means loving others through taking action to help those most in need, those who are close to us and those fair away. This Mission Sunday we are called to help to bring about life-changing difference for those in need like Neela, her family and the Emdibir community in Ethiopia.




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