Building the common good
July 2021 Pope Francis prayer intention is to “build social friendship, which is so necessary for living together well,” a friendship that can serve as a bridge to continue creating a culture of encounter, which will bring us closer, above all, to those who are on the peripheries, the most impoverished and vulnerable.
Missio Malta together with missionaries around the world work to help the most vulnerable and marginalised in society. Missionaries serve at close proximity to those most in need in orphanages, hospitals, mission stations amongst other community places.
Despite the different cultures, languages missionaries find themselves in, we know that in difference there can be richness. However unless there is truthful authentic dialogue, it leads to hostility, threats and violence.
Few years ago Pope Francis had said, “We come from distant lands; we have different traditions, skin colour, languages and social backgrounds; we think differently and we celebrate our faith in a variety of rites. None of this makes us enemies; instead, it is one of our greatest riches.”
Therefore this prayer intention for social friendship reinforces the idea that through authentic social dialogue, a great opportunity is to see “reality in a new way, so we can live with passion the challenges we face in constructing the common good.”
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