Unity in Diversity

The global financial system strives to create uniformity in culture and people, since that is how it can sell its standardised products along various geographical and nationalities. Pope Francis deplored in his visit to Bangladesh in 2017;

“a world tendency to uniformity, to make everything identical”: It’s to kill humanity,” he warned. “It’s a cultural colonization . . . We must understand the richness of our differences (ethnic, religious, popular); it’s in these differences that dialogue takes place. It’s from these differences that one learns from the other, as brothers.”

“Make peace,” concluded the Pontiff. “Do not let yourselves be uniformed by the colonization of cultures. Veritable divine harmony is made through differences. Differences are a richness for peace.”

United doesn’t mean being identical but to respect the diverse values, riches in wisdom and shortcomings of various people, Pope Francis said on Vatican Radio.

Humanity is made of people with various spiritualities and if we learn to respect and learn from each other, we can see the unity of God in the diversity of His creation. This unity and knowing that we are all one happens only if one lives in inner peace.



Missio Malta as part of an international organisation works to bring dignity of people of any creed, nationality and social status in order to being them out of the poverty cycle and give them a hope for a brighter future whilst respecting their diversity in their local culture.

Few of the Projects that Missio supports:

Ways how you can help

In Malta Missjunarja July 2022, you can read the article of unity in diversity written by Missio Malta Mons Valent Borg having the article title in Maltese ‘Ilkoll differenti lkoll bzonn xulxin’ on the link on the left hand side on page 4 (press the arrow on the right hand of the magazine to turn the Malta Missjunarja pages)

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