The “richness of many years” is a richness of people, of each individual person who has many years of life, experience and history behind them. It is the precious treasure that takes form in the life journey of each man and woman, whatever their origin, provenance, and economic or social condition. Life is a gift, and when it is long it is a privilege, for each one and for others.
In July we pray for the elderly, who represent the roots and memory of a people; may their experience and wisdom help young people to look towards the future with hope and responsibility.
“Let us pray for Christian families around the world; may each and every family embody and experience unconditional love, and advance in holiness in their daily lives,” Pope Francis says
The Pope describes the family as “the place where we learn to live with one another, to live with young people and those who are older.”
We cannot speak about family without talking about the importance of the elderly among us. There have never been so many of us in the history of humanity, but we don’t quite know how to live this new stage of life: there are many plans for assistance for the old age, but few projects for existence.
In this world accustomed to war, we need a true revolution of tenderness, which the elderly can provide.
We have a great responsibility towards new generations about this.

Let us remember: grandparents and the elderly are the bread that nourishes our lives, the hidden wisdom of a people. That is why we must celebrate them, and a day was dedicated to them in July to celebrate them. Missio Malta has a campaign adopt a grandparent where one can help elderly combat loneliness! More information on