The ‘Vaccinated and Donated’ campaign aims to:
Encourage those taking the vaccine locally to support those overseas during the pandemic through the Covid Emergency Fund. Here is an extract of those taking vaccine;
“I took my free covid vaccine and donated €10 to COVID-19 emergency fund to help other in struggling mission countries with covid such as paying for safety kits, medicine, food and health supplies for the most vulnerable”.
Help us help those battling covid in missionary countries and donate now!
Methods how you can help:
Tel: 5160 2062 – €10
“Jiena ħadt il-vaċċin b’xejn u għalhekk qiegħed nagħti donazzjoni ta €10 ewro għall ‘Emergency Fund’ ta’ Missio biex ngħin lil nies fil missjoni li għaddejin mil- pandemija. Din l-10 ewro ser tissarraf f’mediċini, safety kits, u anke ikel u xorb għan-nies fil bzonn”.
Għinna ngħinu lil dawk li għadhom jissieltu mal-COVID-19 fl-artijiet tal-missjoni. Agħti donazzjoni issa!
Metodu kif tista’ tagħti d‑donazzjoni: Tel: 5160 2062 – €10
Kurt Calleja – Maltese Singer
Nancy Camilleri – Missio Employee